LDC Program

Pi Beta Phi Leadership Development Consultants (LDCs) are recent graduates whose full-time responsibility is to support our chapters. Consultants hold one of two different roles. Traveling LDCs visit various college campuses throughout the school year. Resident LDCs provide assistance to a new chapter or a chapter needing additional support and reside on or near campus as assigned.  

All LDCs work side-by-side with people of varying backgrounds, personalities and generations to support the success of our chapters. This experience provides opportunities for building marketing and communication skills, developing presentation abilities, and strengthening management and decision-making skills. 

Are you interested in the Leadership Development Consultant role? Whether you’re graduating this year or thinking about the future, complete an interest form and someone from our LDC team will be in touch.

Complete an Interest Form

Recommend an LDC

By providing support to our chapters and mentoring the next generation of Pi Phi leaders, LDCs play an important role in shaping the future of our sisterhood. If you know a Pi Phi who embodies servant leadership and inspires others to achieve their best, recommend her for the LDC program.

Recommend an LDC

Support the LDC Program

As a premier organization for women, we've supported and empowered our sisters since 1867. Your gifts to our Foundation provide the resources Pi Phi needs to ensure that work continues.

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