Living our Core Values

Just as sisterhood in Pi Phi is for life, our programming is designed to support members throughout their alumnae experience. The Leading with Values® seminars below are written and developed exclusively for alumnae and alumnae clubs. These activities and seminars will help deepen members' appreciation for Pi Phi core values and how we live those values every day.

Lessons to Our Younger Selves

Do you have advice you wish you’d known as an undergraduate member or as a young alumna? Do you have things you’ve learned over the years you’d like to share with chapter members today? As lifelong members of Pi Beta Phi and sincere friends to our collegiate sisters, you can share some of your advice with a chapter through this seminar.

Literacy Facts in Action

What does the statistic “one in four children will grow up unable to read” actually mean? This seminar demonstrates some of the key facts behind Pi Beta Phi’s commitment to literacy. Explore the effects low literacy skills can have on students and how Pi Phis can participate, donate and advocate for literacy through Read > Lead > Achieve®.

Literacy Fact Cards

Speed Date My Arrow

This interactive program allows members to share insights and lessons from their time in Pi Phi and answer fun questions in a "speed dating" format. This is a great way for members to get to know each other as well as a creative ice-breaker for an alumnae club event.

Speed Date Questions PDF

Pi Phi: Then and Now

This activity is designed for use in alumnae club Founders' Day celebrations. Members reflect on the reasons they joined Pi Phi as collegians and why they stay involved as alumnae. This activity can be easily modified to fit into your Founders' Day plans and is a fun way to learn more about your sisters.

Table Tents PDF

Hollywood Values

This seminar encourages participants to recognize how Pi Phi's core values are (or are not) portrayed by public figures such as musicians, artists, authors, actors, media broadcasters, athletes and others. Participants reflect on their own core values and how they portray these to others. This seminar seeks to support the learning outcomes associated with the core value of Integrity. 

Bigger Picture 

The goal of this seminar is to remind alumnae of the overall Fraternity structure, and how your alumnae club and its membership fit into the "bigger picture" of Pi Beta Phi. This seminar focuses on the core value of Honor and Respect.

This seminar is a companion piece to the film “Holt House: Pi Beta Phi’s Founding Home” and is suggested for Founders’ Day celebrations. Participants will learn about the history, heritage and current uses of Holt House. The video is available here as Part One and Part Two. The focus of this seminar is the core value of Honor and Respect. 

Leading with Pictures  

Consider partnering with a collegiate chapter in facilitating this seminar. 

In this seminar, participants are asked to promote the Fraternity’s core values throughout their lives by visually recognizing themselves and others exemplifying these values. This seminar focuses on the core value of Lifelong Commitment.

My Legacy of Philanthropic Service  

Consider partnering with a chapter in facilitating this seminar. 

Have you ever wondered what impact and legacy you left through your service and dedication to Pi Beta Phi? This seminar invites members to share their personal experiences of engaging in philanthropic service and encourages planning and participation in future philanthropic experiences. This seminar focuses on the core value of Philanthropic Service to Others.

My Legacy of Philanthropic Service optional PowerPoint

Life Balance

At any time in life, a healthy, satisfying life balance can be hard to maintain. If we aren’t able to step back and evaluate our time, we may not realize it when our life falls out of balance. Maintaining a strong balance can help make you happier and restore harmony to your life. This seminar focuses on the core value of Personal and Intellectual Growth. 

This program was developed by the Leadership Institute – Women with Purpose, Inc.  

 Reflections of Sincere Friendship  

This seminar encourages members to think on the importance of Sincere Friendship while recognizing the dedication and service of alumnae club members. Reflections and definitions of what Sincere Friendship means to Pi Beta Phi are also discussed. This seminar focuses on the core value of Sincere Friendship. 

Originally shared by Pi Beta Phi’s Washington Alpha Chapter.

Every Sister. Every Year.

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